Evacuation drill at the iCeMS Main Building

January 26, 2016

On January 21, faculty and staff members at the iCeMS Main Building received an evacuation drill supervised by the Kyoto City Fire Department of Sakyo Ward. The drill simulated gas line damage on the first floor due to a level 5 earthquake in Kyoto.

Almost 50 occupants in total took part in the drill led by a self-defense fire brigade formed by the Administration Office, which involved carrying out first-aid firefighting, disaster communication and evacuation guidance to ensure that all members have safely evacuated from the building.

After the drill, a small lecture and evaluation was given by the Sakyo ward Fire Department. A speech then was given by iCeMS Director Susumu Kitagawa, followed by a fire-drill using thick smoke and fire extinguishers. Three junior high school students also observed the overall procedure for their career experience project.

The fire drill prepares building occupants for an organized evacuation in case of natural disasters or other emergency situations, and also serves as a way to educate and train occupants on fire safety issues specific to their building. The three junior high school students actively took part in the practice procedures alongside iCeMS employees.


Employees listening attentively to instructions given by the Sakyo Ward Fire Department

Employees recieving instructions on how to use a fire extinguisher

Employees carrying out a fire drill