2nd iCeMS Cafe: "See the Unseen - How molecules work in your body?"

See the Unseen - How molecules work in your body?

We are made of cells, and each cell is made of molecules.
Among the biological molecules, proteins are the most important.
But, how do protein molecules work?
How do they make the cells work?
How do they make the body work?
Protein molecules are, however, too small to see,
you can't see them working.

UNLESS you know a trick.
You mark the protein molecules with a little help of a microscope.

See the unseen, the tiny little protein molecules that make up your body.

Guest Speakers Prof. Yoshie Harada, D. Sc. (and her young student colleagues from her laboratory)
iCeMS (Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences), Kyoto University
Title See the Unseen - How molecules work in your body?
Date / Time Saturday, May 10, 2008 / 14:00-15:30
Venue Chionsha
Extenal Linkhttp://www.chikichi.co.jp/english/
Capacity 30 people (will be chosen by lot and notified of the results IF application exceeds capacity.)
Fee 500 yen/person for a soft drink and confectionery
Registration Required.
For registration and inquiries, contact iCeMS Cafe Office at science-cafe@icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp by May 3 including the following information:
  • Name
  • Age
  • Phone Number
  • Occupation
  • How you came to know this event
Your personal information will be used SOLELY for this event.
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Contact iCeMS Cafe Office at
Hosted by iCeMS
Co-hosted by Idobata Sciences Studio
Extenal Linkhttp://kyoto.vis.ne.jp/isl/
Note This event, "iCeMS Cafe", will be conducted in Japanese only.