8th iCeMS Café: Way to Go, Sugar!

8th iCeMS Cafe

The first of three iCeMS Cafés to be held this autumn!

"Of the following, which is related to the workings of sugar?"

1. Sweetness
2. Blood type determination
3. Widely-used antiviral drug Oseltamivir
4. The difference between humans and chimpanzees

"Um, number one?"
"Nope! The answer is... all four!!"

Has your curiosity been sparked?
If so, please join us at the next iCeMS Café!

(Please note that this event will be conducted in Japanese.)


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Guest Speakers Professor Makoto KISO
(iCeMS Principal Investigator, Kyoto University, and
Professor in the Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University)
and Researchers of his laboratory
Title Way to Go, Sugar!
Date / Time Saturday, November 13, 2010 / 14:00-15:30
Venue 2nd floor Lounge, Main Building, iCeMS Complex 1
Right at the "Kyodai Seimon-Mae" city bus stop /
on the northwest corner of the Higashi-Ichijo intersection
Capacity 30 people
(Applicants will be chosen at random and notified of the results only if the number of applicants exceeds capacity)
Fee 500 yen for a soft drink and confectionary
Registration Web form https://www.icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp/fm/c8e.html
Email: science-cafe@icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fax: 075-753-9785

For registration and inquiries, please contact the iCeMS Science Communication Group including the following information:
  • Name
  • Age
  • Email address or fax number
  • Occupation
  • How you heard of this event
  • What interested you about this iCeMS Café?
Please register by Saturday, November 6.
Personal information will be used ONLY for the purposes of this one event.
Deadline Saturday, November 6, 2010
Contact iCeMS Science Communication Group (SCG)
Email: science-cafe@icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fax: 075-753-9785
Sponsor Kyoto University iCeMS

Upcoming iCeMS Cafés

The second and third of our three autumn Cafés will take place in December:

  No. 2: Saturday, December 11, 9th iCeMS Café "Solar Batteries of the Future"
  No. 3: Saturday, December 18, 10th iCeMS Café "Couriers in our Bodies"

Details will be made known when available.