12th iCeMS Café: Investigating cell mechanisms using imaging technologies

12th iCeMS Cafe

11th & 12th iCeMS Cafés: Investigating Scientific Inquiry

Starting from questions such as these, expect an informative and enjoyable investigation into the process of scientific inquiry!

(Please note that this event will take place in Japanese.)

Guest Speakers Senior Lecturer and CeMI Scientific Manager Takahiro Fujiwara and his CeMI colleagues
Title Investigating cell mechanisms using imaging technologies
Date / Time Sunday, February 19, 2012 / 14:00–15:30
Flyer PDF 335KB
Venue 2nd floor Lounge, Main Building, iCeMS Complex 1
Right at the "Kyodai Seimon-Mae" city bus stop /
on the northwest corner of the Higashi-Ichijo intersection
Capacity Around 20 people
(Registration is required. Please note that, if the number of applicants exceeds capacity, not all may receive invitations.)
Fee 500 yen for a soft drink and confectionary
Registration Web form: https://www.icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp/fm/c11e.html
Email: science-cafe@icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fax: 075-753-9785

For registration and inquiries, please contact the iCeMS Science Communication Group including the following information:
  • Name
  • Email address or fax number
  • How you heard of this event
  • What interested you about this iCeMS Café?

Personal information will be used ONLY for the purposes of this one event.
Deadline Sunday, February 12, 2012
(Notices will be sent to all applicants within 2–3-days' time.)
Contact iCeMS Science Communication Group (SCG)
Email: science-cafe@icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fax: 075-753-9785
Host Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University

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