25th iCeMS Seminar/Commemorating the Establishment of the Center for Meso-Bio Single-Molecule Imaging (CeMI) 6: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt

CeMICenter for Meso-Bio Single-Molecule Imaging

Prof. Schmidt and his group develop and apply in vivo single-molecule microscopy to follow in real-time the dynamic reorganization of the nano/meso-systems in the plasma membrane, upon cellular stimulation. They concentrate on the first few steps of signal transduction pathways, the recognition of a ligand (e.g. fluorescent labeled cAMP and LPS) by a receptor fused to GFP (cAMP receptor, adenosine receptor, TOLL-like receptor, interferon receptor) in vivo, in the context of chemotaxis of dictyostelium discoidium.
In this seminar, Prof. Schmidt will cover the critical regulation mechanisms for controlling these meso-architecture-based functions.

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt
Physics of Life Processes
Leiden Institute of Physics
Leiden University
Title Single-Molecule Cell Biology
Date / Time Thu., September 10, 2009 / 14:00-15:30
Venue The 1st Meeting Room
1F of the West Building
Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences
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Hosted by Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University
The Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University
Membrane Mechanisms Project, ICORP-JST
Contact Aki Kusumi
Fax: 81-(0)75-751-4113