189th iCeMS Seminar: Yogesh Surendranath

The widespread utilization of renewable energy will require energy dense and cost-effective methods for storage. This challenge could be met by coupling renewable electricity to the reduction of carbon dioxide and/or protons to fuels and the oxidation of water to O2, providing, in net, a viable scheme for artificial photosynthesis. Likewise, the resulting fuels could be recombined in a fuel cell to comprise a net carbon-neutral cycle for energy storage and recovery. Realizing these goals requires the development of new electrocatalysts with enhanced selectivity, efficiency, and durability. We adopt a bottom-up approach to the design and discovery of new electrocatalysts that emphasizes controlling surface structure with atomic and molecular precision. The approach has led to the discovery of a new earth-abundant catalyst for oxygen reduction to water and the elucidation of key design principles for the efficient reduction of CO2 to fuels. Our latest findings in both of these areas will be discussed.

Dr Yogesh Surendranath
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title Designer Interfaces for Energy Storage and Recovery
Date / Time Fri 31 Jul 2015 / 16:00-17:30
Venue Room A2-307, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University -> Directions
(Extenal LinkKatsura Campus map)
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Host Kyoto University Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS)
Contact iCeMS Kitagawa Lab | kitagawa-g@icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp