第62回 アイセムスセミナー / CeMI セミナーシリーズ 17: Ivan Robert Nabi PhD、Christian Soeller PhD

CeMICenter for Meso-Bio Single-Molecule Imaging

Endoplasmic Reticulum Domains: Degradation, Stress and Mitochondrial Coupling

(Ivan Robert Nabi, PhD)

Gp78 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in endoplasmic associated degradation (ERAD) that is also the receptor for the extracellular cytokine, autocrine motility factor (AMF). Gp78 is localized to a mitochondrial-associated ER domain and its ubiquitin ligase activity localized to a peripheral ER domain. Its ligand, AMF, protects against ER stress associated apoptosis via regulation of ER calcium release. It also promotes uncoupling of the ER and mitochondria, a process linked to gp78 ubiquitin ligase activity. These studies support a role for AMF regulation of gp78 ER function in the established roles of these proteins in cancer progression and metastasis.

Advanced Imaging Approaches to Investigate Cardiac Structure and Function at the Nano-Scale

(Christian Soeller, PhD)

The contraction of cardiac muscle relies critically on calcium regulation and it is becoming increasingly clear that important aspects of the calcium signaling occur in nanoscopic domains, the dyadic junctions. Prof. Soeller's group has investigated cardiac calcium handling at cellular and sub-cellular scales using a combination of confocal microscopy, computer modelling and super-resolution microscopy. Prof. Soeller will show how the various signaling components in sub-cellular nano-domains give rise to a complex system that enables control at various levels.

Ivan Robert Nabi, PhD
Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences
カナダ ブリティッシュコロンビア大学
演題:Endoplasmic Reticulum Domains: Degradation, Stress and Mitochondrial Coupling

Christian Soeller, PhD
Department of Physiology
ニュージーランド オークランド大学
演題:Advanced Imaging Approaches to Investigate Cardiac Structure and Function at the Nano-Scale
日時 2010年11月27日(土)9:00-11:00
場所 京都大学 再生医科学研究所 西館1階 第一会議室
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主催 京都大学 物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS=アイセムス)
連絡先 iCeMS 楠見明弘 / Fax: 075-751-4113