第82回 アイセムスセミナー / CeMI セミナーシリーズ 24: Nils G. Walter 教授

CeMICenter for Meso-Bio Single-Molecule Imaging

Nature and Nanotechnology likewise employ nanoscale machines that self-assemble into structures of complex architecture and functionality. Fluorescence microscopy offers a non-invasive tool to probe and ultimately dissect and control these nano- assemblies in real-time. In particular, single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) allows one to measure distances at the 2–8 nm scale, whereas complementary super-resolution localization techniques based on Gaussian fitting of imaged point spread functions (PSFs) easily measure distances in the 10 nm and longer range. Prof. Walter will describe how he and his colleagues have used smFRET to dissect the complex conformational dynamics of a pre-mRNA as it is processed by the cellular spliceosome machinery on the way towards becoming a messenger RNA (mRNA) ready for gene expression; and how they have utilized super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to monitor the walk of molecular spider nanorobots on tracks defined by programmable DNA scaffolds called origami.

Nils G. Walter 教授
Department of Chemistry, Single Molecule Analysis Group
米国 ミシガン大学
演題:Scientists Watching Action Movies: Real-Time Single Molecule Fluorescence Imaging of Natural and Engineered Nucleic Acid Nanomachines
日時 2011年6月20日(月)10:00-11:00
場所 京都大学 再生医科学研究所 東館5階ルーフテラス
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主催 京都大学 物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS=アイセムス)
共催 京都大学医学研究科グローバルCOEプログラム「生命原理の解明を基とする医学研究教育拠点」
連絡先 iCeMS 楠見明弘 / Fax: 075-751-4113