第132回 アイセムスセミナー:Haruhisa Okawa博士

Neurons receive and integrate input from a diversity of presynaptic cell types. During development, neurons gain synaptic specificity by eliminating unwanted connections, while establishing a stereotypic number of connections with each synaptic partner type. Understanding the cellular mechanisms that regulate synapse numbers of input types that highly overlap on the dendritic arbor has been challenging. We took advantage of the vertebrate retina with compact circuitry that readily facilitated visualization and identification of all the input onto a given neuron. By perturbing neurotransmission, or by altering the composition of presynaptic partner types in vivo, we discovered a cell-autonomous role for neural activity, without synaptic competition, in defining connectivity between bipolar cells and ganglion cells. However, neighboring converging afferents also influence each other's ability to capture synaptic territory, likely via physical constraints on their axonal territories. Our findings emphasize coordinated regulation by cell autonomous and cell non-autonomous mechanisms in assembling specific patterns of synaptic convergence onto a neuron.

Haruhisa Okawa博士
米ワシントン大学 生物構造研究科 Wong研究室
演題 Cellular mechanisms regulating patterns of converging inputs onto a retinal neuron
日時 2013年3月7日(火)10:30-11:30
場所 京都大学 医学・生命科学総合研究棟(生命科学研究科) 医学部G棟 (A207)
フライヤー PDF FilePDF (90KB)
主催 京都大学 物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS=アイセムス)
共催 京都大学医学研究科グローバルCOEプログラム「生命原理の解明を基とする医学研究教育拠点」
連絡先 iCeMS 見学グループ | kengaku-g@icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp