第142回 アイセムスセミナー: Alain Fuchs 教授

Soft porous crystals are flexible metal-organic frameworks that respond to physical stimuli (temperature, pressure, and gas adsorption) by large changes in their structure and unit cell volume. I will describe a thermodynamic treatment, based on the so-called osmotic ensemble, of the interplay between guest adsorption and host deformation, where the bare host material can undergo elastic deformation, as well as structural transitions between metastable phases in the case of a multistable material. We show that in addition to structural transitions between metastable phases of bistable or multistable host frameworks, a new guest-stabilized host phase can be created when the size of the adsorbate is larger than the empty material's pore size. I will then confront the findings of our approach with experimental data for systems exhibiting phenomena such as gate opening and breathing.

Alain Fuchs 教授
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
演題 Structural Transitions in Soft Porous Crystals Upon Fluid Adsorption: a Theoretical Approach
日時 2013年10月4日(金)16:00-17:30
場所 京都大学 iCeMS 本館(#70)2階 セミナールーム (A207)
フライヤー PDF FilePDF (100KB)
主催 京都大学 物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS=アイセムス)
連絡先 iCeMS 北川グループ | kitagawa-g@icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp