AAAS/Science Editor Talk|第144回 アイセムスセミナー: Tianna Hicklin 博士

Planning a successful and rewarding scientific career means considering all your career options and discovering what is exciting to you. Though positions in academia are still the most commonly sought after, Ph.D.-level scientists are increasingly becoming aware of career opportunities beyond bench research. Learning how your scientific training fits with career opportunities outside of academia and developing new skills to fill these positions are important for creating your individualized career path. In this seminar, we'll discuss the different types of scientific careers, how to find the best fit for your personality, identifying what skills you have, and developing a career plan.

Finding your next position, especially in the current economic climate, requires creativity and planning. With an increasingly competitive and global job market, it's important to find innovative ways to job search and to keep your career options open. Learning about the different sectors that scientists can work in and expanding your network of contacts within the areas that interest you are key to finding opportunities that grow your career. Science Careers is the careers component of Science that scientists rely on for career information and job postings. Science Careers offers many free resources for scientists to learn about their options as well as career development advice. Visit for more information. And please join us for this seminar to learn how to design your personal career path and to discover innovative ways to plan your job search.

Dr Tianna Hicklin 博士
アシスタントエディター, Custom Publishing
演題 Career Options and Job Resources for Young Scientists
日時 2013年10月28日(月)14:00-15:00
場所 京都大学 iCeMS 本館(#70)2階 セミナールーム (A207)
フライヤー PDF FilePDF (200KB)
主催 京都大学 物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS=アイセムス)
連絡先 iCeMS 広報掛 |