
June 4, 2018

Videos of Learning Lounge #12 now available

Dr Yousuke Katsuda (left) and Ms Saki Fukuoka

Kyoto University iCeMS' "Learning Lounge" features young scientists who, in 20 minutes deliver a presentation that will persuade any curious listener, even those without a scientific background, why their research is important to the world.

The videos of following talks given at the 12th Learning Lounge have just been published online.

  • Dr Yousuke Katsuda (iCeMS Uesugi Lab)
    "Peeking into the Cell with a Chemical Tool"

  • Ms Saki Fukuoka (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
    "Hand-Delivering Science to You"

Videos are now available on the iCeMS website and iCeMS' YouTube channel.

iCeMS Learning Lounge

YouTube iCeMS Channel: Learning Lounge Playlist