Quantum Science, Bio-Material Interface, and Immune Response – iCeMS 13th Retreat

On September 29, students, faculty, staff, and interns gathered at Kyoto University’s Katsura campus for iCeMS 13th retreat. 200 participants filled Funai Tetsuro Auditorium for the full day event. This year’s retreat was organized by Prof Fuyuhiko Tamanoi and Kotaro Matsumoto under the theme of “Quantum Science, Bio-Material Interface and Immune Response.” This year’s retreat also featured the Kyoto University – UCLA connection and young researchers of iCeMS.
Opening remarks were given by Dir Motonari Uesugi who shared iCeMS redefined vision centering research around self-assembly and growing iCeMS through strengthening its focus on both students and startups.
Yoshinobu Baba (Director, Institute for Quantum Life Science (iQLS), National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)) was invited as a special lecturer. His talk, “Nanoscale Quantum Biosensors, Quantum Hyperpolarized MRI, and Quantum Biology/Biotechnology,” highlighted his work under the MEXT Q-LEAP program.
Jerome A Zack (Distinguished Professor, Department Chair, and Co-Director of UCLA AIDS Institute) presented his work, “Targeting the HIV Reservoir.” He also highlighted the growing connection between UCLA and Kyoto University and an upcoming conference on microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics.
The other lectures highlighted young researchers at iCeMS. Sayuri Motani, who has worked in three WPI institutes in Kansai through her career, is now an Assistant Professor with the Suzuki Group. She provided the biology talk showing her work regarding nucleus number relationships in different cell types.
Kohei Kusada provided the materials science talk and discussed the unique properties of nanoparticles due to their surface to volume ratios, and his research into metastable materials.
Yuta Suzuki’s talk, “Protein Design and Engineering Towards the Creation of Bio-nanorobot,” showed his research creating 2D sheets and 3D tubes with proteins and his ambitions to create bio-motors.
Yusuke Imoto presented the data science talk titled, “Single-cell data science and mathematics.”
The poster presentation session which encircled the auditorium on the third floor gave lab members a chance to share their research with their colleagues. 29 presenters explained their work and fielded questions from participants as they refueled with coffee and sweets. PIs chose their favorite presentations and winners were announced during the banquet.
The banquet which closed the event allowed participants to relax together and ask questions to presenters, PIs, and each other. Prof Mineko Kengaku led a toast to kick off the event and later Prof Jun Suzuki led a round of “Happy Birthday” to iCeMS along with its founding members. Tamanoi closed the banquet by thanking all the support staff that made the event possible and all the participants for their active involvement.
- Asmaa Mostafa Abdelbari Soliman Farrag (Uesugi Group) “Real-Time Monitoring of Biomolecular Condensates’ States”
- Keima Higashio (Imahori Group) “Charge Transporting Properties of Fluorinated Cubanes”
- Ishii Mamoru (Matsuda Group) “Fluorescence intensity modulation by tandem repeats of split fluorescent proteins”
- Ryosuke Isogai (Fukazawa G) “Diversity-oriented Synthesis of Highly Antiaromatic π-Conjugated Hydrocarbons Using Bicyclic Saturated Hydrocarbons”
- Shiori Nagayama (Kengaku Group) “Function of Lamin A in neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex”
- Shinya Yamahira (Matsuda Group) “Development of photo-activatable poly(ethylene glycol)-lipid for single-cell manipulation”
- Risa Matsui (Suzuki Group) “Discovery of novel scramblases regulated by a giant protein complex breaks the existing framework”
- Mahima Kumar (Namasivayam Group) “Nucleic acid based synthetic tools for Immunoregulation”
- Peijie Yan (Taniguchi Group – Kyoto iUP intern) “An Approach to Single Cell Electropherogram Data Analysis With Machine Learning Algorithms”