2024 Internship Announcement

iCeMS is excited to announce its internship for the Summer of 2024!
Are you currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree at a university outside of Japan? Have you been inspired by the integrated research combining cell biology, chemistry, mathematics, and materials science that happens at iCeMS? Are you fascinated by self-assembly? As a graduate, do you aspire to study at Kyoto University, joining iCeMS in solving the problems that face humanity?
Why not use this chance to jumpstart your future! iCeMS is providing an opportunity for a few select students to pursue their own research under the guidance of one of iCeMS PIs. Professors Motonari Uesugi, Mineko Kengaku, Shuhei Furukawa, Ganesh Namasivayam, Jun Suzuki, and Fuyuhiko Tamanoi will be available as mentors to help you achieve your goals and advance your science during this 4 week intensive.
“Overall, this program will be a mesmerizing experience for you. Great minds from different countries have flocked there at iCeMS. You will have an opportunity to interact with them, learn from them, and so much more. Symposiums, presentations, and a lot more are in store for you, so do consider this program!” - 2023 iCeMS Intern
Applications are welcome until March 21, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.(JST).
Details and application guidelines can be found here.