The INitiative for INtelligent ChemBioInformatics (IN-CBI) will become iCeMS newest on-site laboratory

A new initiative, the "Intelligent Chemical Biology Initiative," has been selected from iCeMS as part of Kyoto University's On-site Laboratory Program.
This laboratory, jointly established by iCeMS and the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, aims to accelerate the development of intelligent chemical biology tools with a focus on personalized medicine.
Since 2018, iCeMS has successfully launched five on-site laboratories: the "Smart Materials Research Center" (in collaboration with VISTEC, Thailand) in 2018, the "Quantum NanoMedicine Research Center" (with UCLA, USA) and the "Integrated BioSystems Center" (with Academia Sinica, Taiwan) in 2019, the "Green Porous Laboratory (with A*STAR-IMRE, Singapore)" in 2020, and the "Data-Driven Materials Science Integrated Center(with MacDiarmid Institute, New Zealand)" in 2021. This recent selection marks the sixth initiative from iCeMS.