WPI Promotion Videos

WPI-iCeMS (Kyoto University)
WPI short introduction video【JP】~Come on join us!~
WPI introduction video【JP】~Come on join us!~

Research Animated

Can electron clouds generated inside cancer cells close to DNA cause effective cancer elimination?
What is Hi-CO? – A technology for 3D genome structure analysis at the highest resolution

iCeMS Frontrunners

iCeMSフロントランナー:玉野井冬彦 特定教授
[iCeMS OWYF] Frontrunners “Creating Smart Genetic Switches” – Ganesh Pandian Namasivayam: Life Story
[iCeMS OWYF] Frontrunners “Creating Smart Genetic Switches” – Ganesh Pandian Namasivayam: Research

iCeMS - Inspiring Creativity

iCeMS – Inspiring Creativity

iCeMS Leader Interviews

iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | 亀井謙一郎准教授
iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | 見学美根子教授
iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | 北川進特別教授
iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | Ganesh Pandian Namasivayam講師
iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | 古川修平教授
iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | 鈴木淳教授
iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | Daniel Packwood講師
iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | 藤田大士准教授
iCeMSリーダーインタビュー | 深澤愛子教授

Learning Lounge


Kyoto Univ. iCeMS Learning Lounge #1 Digest “What did you eat yesterday?” Assistant Prof. Nagata
Kyoto Univ. iCeMS Learning Lounge #1 “What did you eat yesterday?” Assistant Prof. Nagata
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #1 Digest “My life as a microchip” Associate Prof. Kamei
Kyoto Univ. iCeMS Learning Lounge #1 “My life as a microchip” Associate Prof. Kamei


Kyoto U iCeMS Learning Lounge #2 Digest “Nature-inspired Cure for the Incurable” Dr GP Namasivayam
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #2 “Nature-inspired Cure for the Incurable” Dr GP Namasivayam
Kyoto Univ. iCeMS Learning Lounge #2 Digest “What is a Heart Attack?” Assistant Prof. Marcel Hörning
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #2 “What is a Heart Attack?” Assistant Prof. Marcel Hörning


Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #3 “How Is Your DNA Passed Onto Your Children?” Dr. Aya Sato
Kyoto Univ. iCeMS Learning Lounge #3 Digest “How Is Your DNA Passed Onto Your Children?” Dr Aya Sato
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #3 “Making Invisible Worlds Visible” Dr. Hideki Hirori
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #3 Digest “Making Invisible Worlds Visible” Dr. Hideki Hirori


Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #4 “Decoding the Keys of Our Life Cycle” Dr. Yoji Kojima


Kyoto U iCeMS Learning Lounge #5 “Seeing is Believing; What Happens in the Brain?” Ms. Ikumi Oomoto
Kyoto U iCeMS Learning Lounge #5 “Your ‘Nano Doctors’ Healing from Within” Mr. Hirotaka Nakatsuji


Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #6 “Sticky Moments in Biology” Dr. Akihisa Yamamoto
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #6 “Protecting Your DNA Code” Dr. Georgia Kafer


Kyoto U iCeMS Learning Lounge #7 “Nanotech by Herding Molecules–Hints from Theory” Daniel Packwood
Kyoto Univ iCeMS Learning Lounge #7 “Making Malaria the Last Century’s Problem” Dr. Kouichi Hasegawa


Kyoto Univ iCeMS Learning Lounge #8 “Every Little Bit Counts in Human Interaction” Dr Ayami Joh
Kyoto U iCeMS Learning Lounge #8 “Seeing the Dynamics of Science Convergence” Dr. A. Avila-Robinson


Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #9 “Zoo from Lorises’ Point of View” Ms. Wan-Ting Hong
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #9 “Nano-Pockets to Trap Carbon Dioxide” Dr. Patrick Larpent


Kyoto Univ iCeMS Learning Lounge #10 “Gene Switch: Asking cells, ‘Who Are You?'” Dr Yoshihiko Fujita
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #10 “Catch Me If You Can” Dr. Junjun Li


Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #11 “Shapes of Neurons Shape Our Behavior” Ms. Kelly Kawabata
Kyoto Univ. iCeMS Learning Lounge #11 “Foul Play! Making Self-Cleaning Surfaces” Mr. Andrew Gibbons


Kyoto U iCeMS Learning Lounge #12 “Peeking into the Cell with a Chemical Tool” Dr. Yousuke Katsuda
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #12 “Hand-Delivering Science to You” Ms. Saki Fukuoka


Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #13「細胞から最期のサイン-私を食べて!」鈴木 淳 さん
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #13「科学者が楽しそうなワケ:異分野融合の先に見えたもの」古川 修平 さん


京都大学高等教育院物質-細胞統合システム拠点 第4回 iCeMS キャラバン 福島県立会津学鳳高校 2017年3月4日
Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #14 “Scientists, show yourselves!” Aizugakuho High School
Kyoto U iCeMS LearningLounge#14 “What High School Principals Can Do for the Next Generations” T Kato


Kyoto Univ. iCeMS Learning Lounge #15 “Fighting cancer by unleashing immunity” Dr. Partha Chowdhury

5th WPI symp

京都大学 第5回 世界トップレベル研究拠点プログラム(WPI)合同シンポジウム「実感するサイエンス」講演1「コレステロールは憎まれ役?」永田 紅(京都大学 iCeMS)2015年12月26日
京都大学 第5回 世界トップレベル研究拠点プログラム(WPI)合同シンポジウム「実感するサイエンス」講演2「コンピュータは『ウイルス』と戦う」山下 和男(大阪大学 IFReC)2015年12月26日
京都大学 第5回 世界トップレベル研究拠点プログラム(WPI)合同シンポジウム「実感するサイエンス」講演3「ワンピースを求めて、世界の、宇宙の海へ」高井 研(東京工業大学)2015年12月26日


iCeMS Retreat 2015 (short ver.), Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University
iCeMS Retreat 2015, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University


iCeMS Science Festival / iCeMSサイエンスフェスティバル – Kyoto University


Polymer boosts production of stem cells in three dimensions
Kyoto University iCeMS Research


京都大学 iCeMS 概要紹介

WPI Institutes 2012

Messages from WPI institutes, February 2012 -part 1
Messages from WPI institutes, February 2012 -part 2
Messages from WPI AIMR, February 2012
Messages from WPI MANA, February 2012
Messages from WPI IPMU, February 2012
Messages from WPI iCeMS, February 2012
Messages from WPI IFReC, February 2012
Messages from WPI I2CNER, February 2012

WPI in Brief

WPI in Brief, Part 1/2: Intro, AIMR, MANA, IPMU (for AAAS Vancouver, Feb ’12)
WPI in Brief, Part 2/2: iCeMS, IFReC, I2CNER (for AAAS Vancouver, Feb ’12)

iCeMS Connection

iCeMSコネクション「Art, Sound, Science: ちょっとブルブルしませんか?」
iCeMS Connection: “Art, Sound, Science — Shall We Buruburu?”


iCeMS Crosstalk #1: Koh Nagata & Shinya Yamanaka
iCeMS Crosstalk #2: Michiyo Koyanagi & Mineko Kengaku
iCeMS Crosstalk #3: Jeffrey Robens & Koichiro Tanaka