iCeMS Daily Photo Contest 2024の入賞者が決定しました
iCeMS Daily Photo Contestは、顕微鏡写真など、研究に関わる写真から、ラボでの日常の一コマなど、研究者の日常を身近に感じられるような写真をアイセムス メンバーから募り、アイセムス メンバーによる投票を経て入賞作品が決定するコンテストです。7回目となる今回は、17点の応募があり、33名の投票によりグランプリが決定しました。今回、入賞作品を紹介します。

This photo was taken in the passageway between the office and lab buildings. Despite being a location containing nothing significant, a place we don't normally think twice about can still be beautiful from a different perspective.

This picture shows mitochondria structures stained with fluorophore. At a glance, I see a human face with noodle or joker like hairs and bright eyThis picture shows mitochondria structures stained with different organic dyes. At a glance, I see a human face with noodle or joker like hairs and bright eyes within sitting in the nucleus. If you see for 2 minutes, it looks back at you. That’s how creative, colorful and fascinating research can be ! Let’s see how far your imagination goes! What do you see?