Research Interest

Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of Coordination Space

Synthesis and Properties of Porous Coordination Polymers / Metal-Organic Frameworks for understanding and controlling the role of nanospace.

What I like about my science

Creating any nanoscale network structures ad arbitrium.

Researcher Q & A

Where are you from?

Kyoto city

Why did you become a researcher?

I chose chemistry as a career because … chemists understand the difference between ethanol and methanol.

What is your favorite experiment, theory, device, reagent, lab equipment? Why do you like it?

Experiment: Crystallization of metal complexes; it makes a start for our chemistry.
Theory: Frontier orbital theory; it gives a guideline for synthetic chemists.
Instrument: Solid State NMR; we can observe spectrum without any treatments.

What is your hobby?

Detective and police fiction novels: I can be a detective in the fictive world.
Kabuki and Super Kabuki: representation of human nature is fantastic.
European thriller movies: I quickly become entranced in the story.

Wine-tasting in a winery in Katsunuma, which is the best place to produce excellent white wines in Japan.
Organic molecules and metal ions provide a wide variety of networks having nanospaces, which have great potential in applications for our imminent environment as well as a wide variety of fields, such as the global environment, resources, outer space, life, and energy, suggesting that porous materials are extremely valuable both scientifically and industrially.


iCeMS Leader Interviews | Prof Susumu Kitagawa