Research Interest
Materials Chemistry
We design and synthesize solid materials for energy and environmental applications. Specifically, new types of glass and ion conductors are our targets for next-generation battery and human-interactive devices.
What I like about my science
Our synthesized materials are usually just a “powder” but they possess dynamic motion of molecules and ions in nanometer (10−9 m) scale. It is a scientific interest and challenge to control such movements in solids, and we are able to contribute to the better human life by use of the dynamic solid materials.
Researcher Q & A
Where are you from?
Born in Osaka, and grew up in Tokyo
What is your favorite experiment, theory, device, reagent, lab equipment? Why do you like it?
Glove box machine because it enables us to synthesize new materials under an inert atmosphere.
What is your hobby?
Ever since I studied abroad I've been drawn to California culture. I also love Jazz music such as Roy Hargrove.