[Feb 27] IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2024

On February 27th, a IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast (#GWB2024) event will be hosted at Kyoto University and online. The venue will be the Seminar Room of the iCeMS Main Building in the Yoshida Campus.

"The goal of the GWB series is to establish an active network of people of all genders to overcome the barriers to gender equality in science."

This year the two guest speakers are:

Prof Yamada Hiroko
Professor at Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University

Asst Prof Nakagawa Yuka
Asst Professor at Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University

After the invited speakers session, there will be Q&A and networking sessions.

Everyone is welcome! (Preregistration is required.)

Learn more about the event at : iupac.org/gwb/

Tuesday, February 27, 2023 / 16:30-18:00 JST
In-person: Yoshida Campus 4th floor Seminar Room (#A408), iCeMS Main Building
Online: Zoom
Required (Register from here
Target audience
chemistry students (undergraduate and graduate), early career scientists, and established chemists/scientists. Everyone is welcome!
Host and contact
Dr Pincella Francesca (ICR)
Dr Meekel Emily (iCeMS)