People of the Research Administration Division

Research Administrative Director
Program-Specific Professor

Kazumitsu Ueda

The main goal of my work is to create an environment where all the researchers in iCeMS can concentrate on their research. My favorite words are “Flexible”, “Persistent” and “Sincere”. Something keep in mind is “Tough times bring opportunity”.

#Aikido #ABC proteins #You are what you eat

Deputy Research Administrative Director / Innovation Unit
Program-Specific Associate Professor

Hiroyuki Takigawa

I will develop a framework for the smooth circulation of various resources that support research.

#legal affairs #life science #philosophy of science #music #Do what you will, not what you are told to do. #Hiroyuki Shibata

Communication Design Unit Leader
Program-Specific Associate Professor

Mari Toyama

Express concepts and research findings in a form that can be shared.

#Science Communication #Science Public Relations #Life Sciences #Biotope

Communication Design Unit
Program-Specific Assistant Professor

Mindy Takamiya

Deliver the temperature of the light bulb moments

#Science illustration #Art #Graphic Design #Science Communication #International media relation #Psycholinguistics #Phonetics #Music #Singing #Interior design

Analysis Center Director

Mineko Kengaku

We provide specialised state-of-the-art research equipment supported with dedicated technical expertise.

Analysis Center Bioanalysis Unit
Program-Specific Associate Professor

Takahiro Fujiwara

Push the limits

#Microscopy #Live Cell Imaging #Single Molecule Tracking #Super-resolution Imaging #Image Processing #Optics #Biophysics #Cell Biology

Analysis Center Materials Analysis Unit / Innovation Unit
Program-Specific Associate Professor

Masakazu Higuchi

Awareness Comes Only Through Practice

#Metal complex

Analysis Center / Shared Equipment Support Unit
Program-Specific Associate Professor

Takayuki Homma

It's interesting because it's different, act reliably, with respect.

#molecular cell biology #bioengineering #sharing equipment #University-High School Collaboration #Science communicator #figure skating #watching NFL game #watching movies #love UK #love Kyoto